Sunday, October 13, 2013

Copenhagen Part III: Oh Those Crazy Danish Nights

I don't mean to overkill my experience in Denmark's capital, but it was four nights and it was pretty damn fun.

My couchsurfing host, Maja, is one of the coordinators of the Danish model UN. On Saturday night she had a dinner with several of her other fellow coordinators to do some last minute planning. I insisted on joining. It turned into some strange combination of a Mexican fiesta, wine-tasting, and ultimately, photo-shoot. And I was wildly popular with Maja's 7 female friends. Was it my pseudo-beard? Or my undeniable and inexorable charm? Or my world famous hand-made chunky guacamole? Maybe, but I'm guessing it was mostly because I'm American, and our government is not functioning. Politics...amIright?

Anyway, the night became more and more blurry, ya know, in a good way. Let's get some pictures up in here to corroborate:
Shrimp Boil represent!
Danes like to go out to clubs starting at 130 am. This means I was drinking coffee at 1, and then continuing shenanigans out on the town.
Drunk eyes alert.
Oh yeah, I should mention this is Maja. Also, drunk eyes alert.
Nice hat that I bought at an ACE hardware store three years ago.
Dirty bar ruined my shoes.
I was awake until 5 am, something I haven't done in years. And it hurt. A really terrible hangover is the visceral and consequential punishment necessary to remind the partying masses that they are, indeed, mortal.

I have a working theory that there are seven S's to curing a hangover (sleep, shower, shave, shit, sweat, smoke, and sip-water). For this special edition Danish hangover, I added one more:  See where three famous Danes are buried. Maybe a bit of a stretch. 
Søren Kierkegaard wrote that "subjectivity is truth." The truth is that his grave is objectively boring:
Nice flowers though.
Hans Christian Anderson gave us many beautiful fairy tales, filled with morals and wisdom. But his gravestone belies nothing of his authorial genius:
A bit of an Ugly Duckling.
Guess which profession had the most badass headstone. The following picture does not do this grave-site justice, so click here  for a better image:

So cool it made a lens flare..
Yeah. It's a physicist. My man, Niels Bohr.

The rest of my last day was spent walking around and eating a giant Chinese dinner. I also somehow managed to read all of Dan Brown's new book in 2 and a half days, so that's something.

All in all, Copenhagen was a long and amazing trip. I fully recommend trying couchsurfing. I also hope to stay in touch with Maja, who turned out to be a perfect first-timer's couchsurfing host. Back to the dreary, cold north.



  1. where did the girls touch you? your leg, your heart?

  2. I think you're not giving the shirt enough credit in your brainstorming about why the ladies loved you in the first paragraph...

    1. Actually I think the underlying process is that the shirt enhances beard growth, indirectly attracting Lady Danes.
