Thursday, October 10, 2013

Copenhagen Part II: Alt (-ernative uses of) J

Feel free to listen to some Alt-J while you read.
Couchsurfing could probably be viewed as a grand social experiment investigating the link(s) between humanity, trust, extroversion, and frugality. It also has to be considered one of the riskiest things someone can do when they don't have a cell phone and they are alone. It essentially is agreeing to enter the domicile of a stranger whose personality, living condition, and temperament you have to extrapolate based on a single online profile page and the exchange of a few short messages.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night I initiated myself into couchsurfing by staying with Maja. And don't let that 'j' deceive you; it's pronounced Maia. She is a born and bred Copenhagener and a 23 year old political science student who is apparently just as trusting (read:  foolhardy) as I am. We had agreed Thursday morning to meeting at her place at around 5 pm on Friday evening. Since, again, I had no cell phone to confirm or navigate with, my uncertainty increased with every passing turn of the 35 minute walk to her apartment south from downtown Copenhagen. I arrived, with ice-breaking beer in hand, at exactly 5 to find Maja exasperated after having to wait an hour to get into her apartment which she had locked herself out of. She glossed over the details and it became prominently obvious to me that she wanted to be a perfect hostess. She showed me my sleeping arrangements:
A little more space and privacy than a 10 person shared hostel room.
After chatting over a few beers about whatever for a few hours, we went to a concert at one of Copenhagen's underground music venues, Pumpehuset. We waited outside a bit for one of Maja's friends, Kajse. Yes that's right, another misplaced 'j'. Her name is pronounced exactly like Mark Wahlberg trying to say 'Kaiser' in Fear, or really just any Bostonian saying 'Kaiser'. Anyway, she was wild, and a lot of fun, and apparently knew the drummer in the opening act. After inhaling something like 40 cigarettes worth of second-hand smoke on the smoking terrace, the band began. They were great, some kind of mixture between Black Sabbath (hard, foreboding riffs) and Nirvana (melancholy lyrics), with a still very energetic stage presence. Somehow it all worked:
Too close for a hard rock concert?
Yeah I was definitely too close. The sound on that video is brutal. The main act was a group of three 20 year old Danish girls. They were a loud and head-banging type punk with incomprehensible lyrics. But still very enjoyable.
"Something something something, anarchy!"
It was a good night, but my ears were ringing for several hours afterward.

Interlude.  The next day this exchanged happened:
Maja - So not having a cell phone or internet, do you want to use my computer?
Eric - No. I can't really think of a reason I would need to.
M - Isn't there anyone you want to let know that you haven't gotten lost or been murdered by your couchsurfing host?
E - Hmm, good point. But that is exactly what a person who is just about to murder me would want me to do...

Maja had to study for an upcoming exam the entire day, but she lent me her bike to tour the city, in style.
Things I saw:
Golden spires
This makes me think of Bugles, and now I'm hungry.
Little Mermaid statue
Her head has been sawed off 9 times, including 3 times by one man with a very weird Disney-character-statue fetish.
Dude, Bugles sound so good right now 
And your classic Copenhagen canal shot
There was a 5 meter tall bridge directly behind me, so obviously these sailboats are just for show.
All in all, it was Something Good.



  1. Christianshavn!!! Did you check out any live music there??? I lived there for 6 months in undergrad and of course that was my spot to hang out. I remember skaters, food, and lots of cool music.

    Also interesting factoid: dude-man who built the spiral tower meant to build the spirals going the other way, whoops; so when he finished, he walked up to the top and jumped off to kill himself. Crazy Danes

  2. Sounds like you're really getting nasty on a butthole out there. Keep up the gnoabhin

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