Sunday, September 8, 2013

Stereotypical Picturesque Swedish Settings

While having only roughly half the population, the city of Umeå shares several positive qualities with Madison: a large university nestled along water, low average age of inhabitants, extremely biker friendly, a lively nightlife, and rolling countryside just outside of the city. The latter allows for some great scenery to shoot during a bike ride. Yesterday was sunny and 75 all day, by far the best day of weather to date. Here's a few shots.

Just north of campus is a large wooded area called Gammlia with several winding paths used for running in the summer and cross-country skiing in the winter. Incidentally it was the most hilly and difficult 6 miles I've ever run; I don't intend to try it again.

"Deep in the forest a call was sounding.."
For Lee:  Rocky outcrop is the highest point in the city, but all of the trees block the view.

A round barn, which has historical significance or some shit. I can't read Swedish.
Even cooler, just east of me, is a lake with miles of paths. I've heard on clear nights at the right time of year you can see the northern lights from it's shoreline. In Sweden, private lands are completely accessible to anyone. This is known as Allemänsratten, or "every man's right." It allows the free and open enjoyment of all land. I used this to my advantage for some decent pictures of the lake shore.
The backyard of someone's summer cabin.
 I wish it meant open access to floating modes of transportation. 
The only sounds are wood creaking underfoot and the lapping of dampened waves against the hull of an old rowboat.
Could have just as easily taken this picture in northern Michigan or rural Wisconsin.
The serenity of the unperturbed water and clear blue skies is perfect for a picnic on the dock.
 And then there's the expected and swooned over Swedish cabin and associated architecture..
"This house was built in 1825 by General Custer" - Dale Doback
 This bridge is so idyllic it makes me want to puke.
Even my borrowed bike has a starring role.
Finally is the river itself, Umeå River. It runs through the heart of the city and allows for great scenery, places to stop and read a chapter or two, or just take a nap in the grass.
Pedestrian bridge often occupied by skateboarding youths.
 A view of the city from the north, one mile upstream.
Ignore the black stringy mark in the upper right corner. I will clean my lens more frequently.
 And the last, a view in the other direction.
Off into the wilderness.
"Nice pictures of stuff Eric, but where are the pictures of all the Swedish honeys?" asked everyone. Well I'm working on it so lay off. I've only been here for two weeks.


Bonus! For Lee (again) and Kelley: Horseys out in the country.
Q: What did the bartender say to the horse?
A: "Why such a long face?"


  1. So you post a picture for my fiancee but not for me... not cool, man :P

  2. Take the bike from pic #9 and ride it on the trail in pic #1. It will be awesome. Also, you should probably go buy some xc skis.

  3. It's really beautiful! Have you gone swimming in the river?
